Family Blending

'I'll be there' - The Jackson 5 - 1971.

A Family Blending Ceremony is an inclusive and fun way to bring together a newly formed 'family' unit, which has evolved over recent years from two parents and their biological children.  

This can be as the result of a divorce or loss of a partner which calls for sensitivity, patience and commitment with all members of a new family blending together.

The SLR Family Blending Ceremony is a memorable and inclusive way of welcoming new members to readjust, recreate or even just celebrate the family unit.

Blended families are more often celebrating in the form of foster or adoptive children, welcoming the children and allowing them to feel totally included as a family member.  It can be the joining together of two partners and their respective children to form a new family unit, foster or adoptive children being welcomed into a family or many other forms of families blending together.

However you choose to blend your family, we can work together to create a unique and personal experience for each family member. It can be as interactive as you wish by choosing many different elements of Unity Ceremonies to commemorate this special occasion.